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for inspiration…
Be inspired by a world of art from eveywhere and anywhere, places you never knew existed in styles you’d never thought of.
for collectors…
Discover art by location and subject without the need to know the artist before, all you need is an idea of what it is you’re looking for.
for artists…
Concentrate on being creative, don’t allow the modern day stresses of the online world disrupt your flow, the more time spent making art is time better spent.
re-designing logo
Refining the identity of the website is essential to us, we hope to get it right with our audeince being so diverse, we aim to represent the collective who use the services we provide.
site update
Working hard to bring the the latest design updates, please bare with us whilst we re-organise our feeds and articles into a format more suited to the modern day audience. Thank you for your patience.
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!